Wednesday 16 July 2014

Calvin's called in Moss for the 'Re-Issue project', and we're all over it. Literally.

One thing the third trimester of pregnancy has certainly done for me is create a little more time. And that time I am now filling with food, furniture painting and of course, fashion blogging! Not a bad way too live I must admit, perhaps minus a horrific case of baby-brain; so without further ado...
The topic we're all talking about, everyone's scribbling over and newspapers are going nuts for.
It's our favourite cocktail for a fashion collaboration of cool off the catwalk models and designer.
The ingredients are as follows,
Calvin Klein Jeans 
Justin O'shea
Michael Avedon
and of course, you can't have an iconic Klein capsule without a little Moss-appeal, but this time, no ones thinking about Kate.
Back in 1992 Kate Moss was shot for the campaign by Herb Ritts and catapulted into the spotlight as the Heroin Chic Super you could find in a pair of boyfriend jeans and a Calvin crop top. Over a decade later, her younger sister Lottie Moss is following in her siblings footsteps and taking the fashion world by storm one bambi like limb at a time!  And ironically, even the photographer is following from within the family with Michael Avedon (son of Richard Avedon who shot model Brooke Shields for Calvin Klein also back in the early 90's) being the man behind the lens for Lottie's 'Re-Issue' with the Fashion House. 
Moss, Avedon and co have been called in to almost re-launch the iconic spread for the collaboration between Klein and online hub entitled; The Re-Issue Project.
With the capsule's campaign reminiscing the Moss Boyfriend Jean, Calvin Klein sweatshirt, Brooke Shields skinny jeans and 'those' denim jackets. Of course all being heavily branded with iconic CK logo, it's no surprise it's all been approached so personally.    
Some people may criticise that it's a little cliché to have a sister-act scenario on such a scale, but personally, those people are talking total tripe. When Kate met Klein and that relationship was put in front of the camera a seriously high standard for clothing campaigns was set, and who better to challenge that than her own flesh and blood.  
Lottie Moss, at the just-so age of 16 is who Avedon is quoting as someone that "truly represents the essence of the Calvin Klein girl," and I must agree with him. The soft skin, 'those' cheekbones, bambi like frame and intriguing English rose features just fit the all American label like a glove, or jeans in this instance. It is almost like History is happening for today's tomorrow instead of back in yesterday's decade!
You can understand why buying director of; Justin O'shea is so chuffed over their collaboration with the company for this almost re-revolutionised campaign.
Looks like it's been a promising start for the Moss that is Lottie.



Monday 12 May 2014

When is it finally no longer about good taste and finally time for the elasticated waste?

Firstly, massive apologies to the online world of the word for my absence over the recent months, life works in mysterious ways and mine has been that of a rollercoaster lately. All to be revealed!
But back to the blog and it's whimsical title. 
Don't worry ladies, I'm not slumping into a fashion breakdown, however stressed and disorientated life makes me feel I will always find solace in shoes and style but I have reached a crossroads in my life, especially when it comes to what too wear everyday.
And that crossroads shall be coming out of the delivery room in around 4 months time; yes, I am having my first baby.
Forgive my poor excuses for keeping up to date in the fashion world but this news back in January came to quite the surprise, I'm normally not accustomed to being startled by coloured lines, I'm an artist in my own right and appreciate striped fabrics. But believe me when I say the sensation of emotions overwhelms you when you're staring down at the two particular lines on a pregnancy test symbolising a positive; I'm not kidding. OVERWHELMING. Planned or otherwise I don't think you are ever prepared for the news when it comes to a baby.
I have always wanted to be a mum, from a young age I have only ever had a small amount of goals in regards to my personal life, they were to find my Prince Charming, (cliché but come on girls you are lying if you have never said those words) figure out what Love really means whether that is love for a person, a place or a pair of shoes, but thirdly, to become a woman.
For me being a mum isn't just about conception, contractions and comfort blankets; it's about balancing yourself as a woman and your duty of care to the life you have brought into the world as 'mum'. A lot of people I have spoken too since beginning my journey into parenthood have all said the same, "you can't learn it in a book", "you can't wear clothes like that when babies here" and so on and so forth and in a way, I am sure they are right, but at the moment we haven't even chosen a name never mind chosen our opinions on how to do it all!
My biggest task at the moment as a young woman who, I have to be honest has never really had to think about what I am wearing on a daily basis, I now suddenly need to! Don't under-estimate what I am writing, I am enjoying the challenge.
But a challenge it most certainly is.
Sorry to brag but if you are a woman like myself you have the ability to fashion up anything style-savvy at the drop of a hat, however, when your hips are widening, stomachs swelling and your bust is just beyond control the task is not so simple.
High wasted trousers? Toss them out of your mind for now, it wont happen, trust me I have tried with so many pairs and styles.
Leggings? Don't be stubborn go for maternity maybe sooner rather than later, my advice there though, wear a longer top with a vest underneath to avoid any 'sagging' while your bump builds itself up. You'd be surprised how uncomfortable some days are during early stages of growth!
Those extra inches under your feet? Be brave but not bonkers, it's scientifically proven that it is good for you posture to wear heels regularly but when you're pregnant; safety over science! I still wear mine but only if they're sturdy, safe when it comes to support and easy to walk in. If you're feeling the strain in your back before you have even got out of the shower, don't be silly when it comes to your shoes. Keep it flat.
Jeans, in fact any form of denim? Great! As long as they're elasticated or at least with that faithful maternity band, all is a.okay! Fortunately all areas of Denim are in right now so you can pass it off easy.
When it comes to jeans I've found, as long as you're confident to expand with your waste band, denim is a winner during pregnancy. Again, like leggings, if the band gets higher, the hem can fall lower. It's as easy as that. AND if you can't afford to 'stretch' out the pennies for the maternity label, buy a strip of elastic and create accordingly. Stay tuned!
There are so many things that change during pregnancy that they do not cover in the manuals the Midwife gives you, even if they do they're a lot less honest than you would expect. And when it comes to the rules of what to wear, the print just isn't available.
Which is where I come in; through this magical journey of hormones, height in appetite and broken waters I am determined to prove that you can expand your style as well as your waste line when it comes to growing with your bundle of joy.
After all, clothes in a way cast a spell over you, they make you believe that you can concur just about anything life throws at you because what's on your back says more about who you are than you could ever put into words. So if it means I have to take my Vogue into delivery for a moment of calm and want to give birth in an oversized Celine, I will and why not. Fashion is meant to grow with you through life and style should evolve depending on your chosen path, bringing a life into the world only makes that part of the journey more exciting.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Wing Power... The Gaultier Way.

I had been feeling for some time while lying low amongst the shadows of the fashion world that Couture was really loosing it's brilliance and breath taking characteristics, almost like the recession had drained the personality out of the designers never mind their pockets! Fashion has recently become more and more about the merchandise, the product and the publicity of the houses they represent than the beauty and the pure craftsmanship that goes into it all. 
Fashion needed to grow with change yes, but not loose the fairy tale aspect that came with. Fashion is something everyone can be part of, buy a part of that luxurious mega brand that is 'Fashion' whether it's a pair of Levis Jeans, Chanel No5 Perfume or a Calvin Klein two piece. It's all the same, it's all style but it's not couture. 
And that is what was becoming upsetting, the division between Haute Couture and Ready to wear  was fading, true fashion classes were merging together. I am not a snob, by any means, however there really is something magical about seeing real couture against any other aspect of the fashion industry, it really is something dreams are made of. Even I, the biggest foodie out of everyone I know would starve for a week just to slip straight into Christian Dior or Valentino! 
However I must admit, and I am almost ashamed to admit after being an avid Valentino Giravanni fan for as many years as I can remember, this year, my winner of the wonderland that is couture is Jean Paul Gaultier.
I'm a naturalist at heart, and this collection really brings together nature's beauty and French design perfectly. There was even a cheeky appearance of beauty Dita-Von Teese and you can never go wrong with an appearance from a burlesque icon on a couture catwalk in Paris!!!

 It's not that Gaultier was the best of S/S14 because to be honest there was some serious show stopping collections that really have just stolen my imagination entirely, Chanel for example was just remarkable! I must admit I'm a little squeamish regarding the term 'couture trainers' I must say, but then maybe I am just too old fashioned for a young one. 
Gaultier, I don't know how or why, maybe it;s the use of all the butterflies; has really won my vote this season and it's a refreshing change to see a little creative imagination on the catwalk that isn't all ultra-high tech or extreme. Even if his bridal entry is about 10ft high and ends like a pair of pants. 

 Going through the images from WWD one thing I did love was the colors, the beautiful sharpness and depth of the pallets throughout the collection just complimented one another perfectly, then again anyone who teams vibrancy with black puts a smile on my face. Over all the best way to describe Gautlier's collection for SS14 would be in one word, successful.
It's the right amount of playful-creativity and couture brilliance. It contains tailoring, couture, a crazy wedding dress and even a corset embellished with enormous exotic butterflies. 
Can't adore much more than that in one day really can you?!

Friday 10 January 2014

Blog On!

Happy New Year all... Remember me? It really has been a while since I last signed in and got personal with my audience! 
I am sorry, unfortunately life has been more than just a roller-coaster ride over the past 8 months, it's safe to say that it really has drained the life out of me never mind my creativity.
But never mind, it's a new year and it's an opportunity to walk forward both feet first and just crack on, it's a poor effort using new year as an excuse for that 'fresh start' everyone raves about having once the clock strikes 12 and all the fire works go off but last year I failed to rely on just fate from my own actions so as of the 1st of January I have done nothing but evaluate my life and contemplate any changes that need to put into place regarding bad habits, one of which lucky for you guys was getting back to blog! 
There really is something therapeutic about tapping away ones inner feelings and observations aimlessly just to self-express and maybe get the odd recognition because actually sometimes it's not just a bit of babble about fashion and all things around me. 
I started the blog mainly because it was start of the curriculum at college a couple of years ago and safe to say since then I started to see it as a bad habit after leaving said course which was probably really unfair, but then if you found anarchy like I did you would probably start giving up on the nice things too. 
And I do consider blogging a nice thing; so between us, I have missed it. 
Ironically I am now back in education and attempting to complete it this time too! Foundation Degree In Fashion through Chester university, I was very fortunate to be accepted I must say, I was prepared to get on my knees and grovel at one point for my last chance. Even if my marks are terrible and I don't gain any chums or trophies it's about taking part and crossing the finishing line that counts these days! I gave up at the first hurdle last time, it would be a shame to conform to yet another idiotic idea wouldn't it?! As I have made a resolution to work on my bad habits it would be poor sportsmanship to choose sparingly which ones I actually try to change! 
I have learned that life doesn't offer second chances very often, when you make your bed you are expected to lie in it and shouldn't presume it'll go any other way, so being given such an opportunity as this to get back onto the studio and learn I haven't taken lightly. Yes I will admit as usual my attendance is sparing and life is still just as manic but they are bad habits that are just part of my make-up and I doubt I will really ever get rid of either as easily as I can control whether or not I do something with life, sadly we can't control everything. 
The great thing about fashion for a person like me is that you can be part of a community if you wear the right disguise and hide what's really going on around you, whether that's your struggles in your personal life or that nasty spot that's appearing on your forheard right before fashion week! Pretty much anything is possible just by throwing together whatever you feel like and pretending its a 'look' you're going for. 
In reality guys everything I wear matches my lively hood and lifestyle, it all comes either from a charity shop, someone else's wardrobe and I've even picked things out the sale rack maybe a million times! It's just life to not live in Harvey Nichols or order everything from Net-a-Porter like the shiny people do, it doesn't make me or the millions alike any less fashionable we just haven't reached that row of the show yet! We're the ones that appreciate what we have a hell of a lot more though I assure you.Even Vivienne Westwood has been known to shop out of the odd jumble bin in her earlier years!
I think it's accepting what has happened in my life over the last year and admitting that I probably could have done thing's a little differently but NOT dwelling on them and just moving forward that has pointed me back in the direction that is right for me. If you're not willing to accept your falls and grow from them whether it's in Fashion or any other industry you will never make it too the next season. 
I look forward to growing with you all while I blog and share over the coming seasons. 

Friday 29 March 2013

Topshop: 'Made In Britain'.. And for their next trick?!'

I don't mean to sound so aggressive toward the high street, especially mega brands such as Topshop, but sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. 
After my previous post about comparing the high street I really have delved deep to find what is in, out and to be quite frank; everywhere.
For the journey I started at the point where I would personally go to first for High Street fashion and that is Topshop, Sir Philip Green's most successful store nationwide and quite probably almost world wide too since it has been highly represented by the likes of Alexa Chung, Peaches Geldoff and various members of The Saturdays and most recently almost completely kitted out girl group; Little Mix in their video for single 'Change your life.'
Living where I live it's hard to shop with a little diversity as it's very small place and everyone tends to follow one another like chickens in a Coop when it comes to how they dress, especially the girls; there for our local high street stores tend to all stock the exact same kind of styles... It's heartbreaking and completely mind numbing, so I tend to do most of my shopping online in the comforts of my own home, no noise, no hassle and no clones to irritate me as I browse. 
However, in this instance, I did browse in public as I needed to see what was hot or not right now and what the high street had to offer, my findings? Disappointing to say the least. 
Everything has become so simple for Topshop, they produce what they know people want, they know a lot of people will pay whatever they need for it and that's that! And it's so wrong, I must admit when I looked online I was slightly more encouraged to smile about the brand. 
The reason being, on their 'collections' section there is a number of different sub-styles, one of which is named 'Made In Britain', I was intrigued and am apparently to believe that pretty much all the clothes on the section ARE made in Britain, the disappointing part... IT'S ALL SO DRAB! Nothing jumps out and makes me think, now that! That is British style at its best. Instead its all slogan t.shirts, beany hats and plain tailoring/skirts etc. I'm not constantly slagging off the fashion industry I promise, I love it, I just love style more and there IS a difference. If we could just combine the demand for mass produced fashion and one off genuine style the British Fashion scene would be back as big as it once was... It's credibility is no where near what it was in the 60's through till the 90's and its a shame. Together us as the un-heard and un-recognised need to work together to put true Brit style back on the map!! 

Sunday 17 March 2013

Back to Blogging.


Remember me? Been a long time I know but I have decided regardless of being at college or not currently to go back to the blog world. 
A lot has happened since Summer 2012 and Spring 2013 but don't worry I wont be a sadist and bore you with the details after all, I am here to write about fashion and all things fabulous and if I was to be perfectly honest the only fabulous and fashionable occurrences in my life recently have been walking through various town squares past stores such as River Island and Topshop admiring their fabulous window displays of this season's new staple pieces for those who are fashion forward... Sadly, I continue to walk on and continue with my day leaving the excitement of the high street behind me my purse is now only Primark friendly these days!!!

One thing that has caught my eye recently is how pretty much everything looks the same!!! Fashion broadcasters I call out to you, see me as a spokesperson for the regular woman; What's going on?!

"Fashion fades, good style remains;" Coco Chanel, a quote which has since been proved reliable as thus far the seasons started pretty poor in my opinion on the high street, everyone looks like Armageddon actually took place in December and have all been reborn as clones, what happened to creating style? Where's the chic individuality we all once craved gone? And more importantly, why is everyone accepting this?!
I am not for one moment what I would consider the most fashionable of females but I do pride myself in not being like everyone else or someone that religiously follows the trends! Vogue is my bible and I will follow the likes of Anna Wintour and Janet Street Porter until their days are done, but as far as high street fashion and it's continuity to deliver mass-produced, poorly cloned adaptations of the Couture world and High Fashion runways; I am not a sheep, so I shall not follow the heard.  

Have you missed my slightly anarchist tone of writing toward the fashion industry?! I have! I love fashion, I love the arts, I love the idea of timeless, brilliant style. I just feel that the world is slowly lacking in it, good style is almost as endangered as the panda bear! In fact, Panda's probably have a better idea of style than some high street junkies, monochrome has never done wrong!!! 
So, for the next couple of weeks I shall be rinsing through High Street names such as Topshop, River Island, Dorothy Perkins, Miss Selfridge and New Look to see what's in the style guide what you can find just about everywhere!

Stay Tuned! 

Monday 8 October 2012

Toi Silhouette c'est manifique!

Don't worry boys and girls I'm still blogging in English, my French is not that advanced sadly. But, the title does involve a word I think we can all understand. 
As part of my brief I'm having to write about and research into the design principles, as they relate to all areas of art... I got those very words from the brief itself. 
The first Silhouette I have looked into is the famous Hourglass. 
When I say famous I'm referring to the high profile the hourglass figure comes with thanks to famous iconic women such as Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren and more recently Super Model Lara Stone, Plus Size model Crystal Renn and T.V siren Christina Hendricks. 
All beautiful and I mean, breath taking women. 
But this Silhouette blog isn't about our NATURAL hourglass shape, it's about the one our clothes give us. the hourglass any girl can have whether she be short, tall, curved or skinny. Every girl deserves even as little as five minutes to be dressed like a Hollywood sex symbol. 
I have a real love for the hour glass; it's chic, its simple and really sexy. But then who wouldn't want a figure like Marilyn Monroe. 
My young sister is the hourglass out of the two of us, she was blessed with beautiful long blonde hair and bombshell curves, sadly I'm the tall, flat chested one of the family, I've got what I would say is a good sized bum but its still only a handful...Hardly the hump a man can hold on too! 

Anyway, you see where I am going with this? Some women have it and some women need help. No bad thing and it's certainly nothing to worry about, this is where I bring the fabulous Stella McCartney into the equation. 
Cast your minds far back into 2011'way back when', as they say and that is when this fabulous British designer created a beautiful solution to either enhancing your hourglass or giving you one just for a day, all from the crafty use of the right kind of Silhouette. 

Remember now? The beautiful mesh and black dresses which after the canny playing around with a few lines here and there, McCartney managed to create garments with a sculpted silhouette to give the illusion of a heart hourglass, and lets be honest, if you can give super model Natasha Polly an hourglass shape you  really have achieved what you set out too! 
For me it was the only way I could understand what the term 'Hourglass Silhouette' meant in design terms by looking back at this collection because I can't lie, when I first read it I was totally baffled, and even after my lecturer went through it with me I wasn't 100% certain I knew where she was coming from! 
McCartney also very cunningly also used natural skin tone material in areas where any woman's body would naturally curve in at the waist whatever her size contrasting with either red, white or blue and gave the illusion of a nipped in waist and the outcome really was quite outstanding. 
The evidence? Two of the great British kate's, Moss and Winslet. 

Here is the perfect examples on how any woman whether she be a skinny super model or voluptuous screen siren or maybe just your sister! Anyone with the right amount of confidence to work the ultimate man-made, or in this case, stella-made Silhouette can have it all.

Enjoy your cake AND eat it girls, the clothes have got your back when it comes to that extra half an inch.